Promote the construction of enterprise culture with the construction of the Party and strive for the construction of


The journey is long, but there is only struggle. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, remember the original mission, live up to the expectations of the times, focus on the development layout of EH Group, promote the construction of corporate culture with the construction of the Party, strive unremittingly for the construction of the "double hundred" enterprises, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country and the promotion of Chinese modernization EH strength!


First, strengthen the propaganda guidance and learning education to lead the political direction of the enterprise

EH Group insists on party building to lead the way, deeply study the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, study the socialist thought of Xi Jinping in the new era, carry out a series of activities with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and party history study and education, lead all party members to continuously carry forward the great founding spirit, carry forward the historical experience of the party's century of struggle, firm historical self-confidence, learn historical wisdom, never forget the original mission, and be brave to take charge. As a result, we will continue to deepen the "improve the heart and expand the business".


Second, consolidate the basic work of party building, strengthen the role of branch fighting bastion

Since its establishment, the party branch of EH Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2018, and the party members' team has been growing and their representativeness has been highlighted, the party members have achieved full departmental coverage, and the fighting fortress role of the branch has been strengthened continuously; the "three meetings and one class" system has been improved, various theme activities have been carried out regularly, and the branch has been actively "going out "We actively perform the leading functions of the Party and group work, and carry out the work of trade unions, youth, women and volunteers, etc. We were honored as "advanced grass-roots party organization" by the Party Working Committee of Qingyang District Headquarters Economic Zone on the eve of the centenary of the founding of the Party.


Third, to promote the construction of corporate culture with the construction of the Party, to help the high-quality development of enterprises

Focusing on "promoting cultural construction with Party construction, leading high-quality development with high-quality Party construction", we promote the construction of enterprise culture and help enterprises develop with high quality. We will create a party building work position, carry out solid red base tour education; focus on the work direction of the group, do practical things, open a new situation; combine party building work to strengthen the training of reserve personnel, build a talent system; vigorously promote the construction of a happy enterprise, a greater range of precise help for employees in difficulty, greater efforts to carry out a large love fund assistance, practical services for the work and life of employees, to build and share a new era of enterprise.